Thursday, April 30, 2015

Deering estate

       Deering estate is a beautiful place to go to. I go there sometimes with my family to go fishing. Then there is sometimes I go alone to have "quiet time" or "me time". I like to sit there and watch the birds swoop down and swallow the fish that they catch.
      There is a small starbucks nearby so I usually go there and walk to deering estate alone and just sip on my coffee as I look onto the horizon. You meet the most interesting people there. I remember I met this old lady who would sit on the bench and smoke her cigarettes and talk about how wild she was when she was my age. Then the other day I met this man who plays the guitar and would tell me his adventures on the road.
       Deering estate is a place to sit down, put away the phones and socialize. Right next to deering estate is this little cabin. I've never gone inside of it but I have looked around it, to say the less it's all very quite. Right next to the cabin are wooden gates that lead to this club for people who own yachts and it is all very fancy if I do say so myself. I've never been fond of luxury items, instead I like things or places that are simple.
        I recommend deering estate for when you just want to sit down and think about life. Just sit down on the wooden bench and smell the salty air and look at the horizon. The most simple things are to be cherished.


  1. I've been there once before and let me tell you, it is the most relaxing place I've ever been. I totally recommend it as a place to unwind and read a book.

  2. I practically live at the Deering Estate! It is within walking distance from my house, so I know the area inside and out. I totally agree with you as far as the property being expansive and relaxing. It is truly beautiful there. The cabin is used for summer camps and organizations such as Ms. Barson's (our drama teacher at Palmetto) Tandem Theater group. The dock area is a nice place to fish for small snapper and pesky blowfish, and the main area is absolutely mind-blowing. It is not free to enter the main part of the estate, but they do host seafood festivals and sunrise mass for Easter there (which is breathtaking with the sunrise). There is a historical house that overlooks the water, centered in-between two rows of royal palms, that features its wine cellar, elaborate interior decorations, and ghost tours. This area is the pride of my neighborhood and I am so glad you have discovered it. :)

  3. I'd like to add that I love the topic of your blog; I think its goal to share with people unknown or undiscovered parts of our state is important, especially knowing that so many of us are eager to leave for other places. I highly value love for one's hometown, and this is a great way to express affection and appreciation toward our unique and wonderful state, despite the negatives that most people tend to focus on.

  4. At first,I agree with this statement that the most simple things are to be cherished. The most simple thing.Its simplicity, so people will cherish its unique charm.By the way, I never been to that place,so I want to see some piture of this beautiful place. Good job

  5. This post is very captivating. The way you write helps pull me into the blog. I wish to visit this area so I can see the beauty for myself. The way you described this area reminds me of a camp my aunt, her boyfriend, and I used to go. Thank you for reminding me about that place. I missed it and hope to go here so I can bring back more memories.
